Rob writes about interactive fluff

Fixing the Trailing Slash Issue in the Invalid Chrome Extension Manifest File

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Trailing slash

The other day I had some spare time and I thought it was a great opportunity to do some JavaScript code refactoring on my Fontier Chrome extension. The refactoring process didn’t take a long time, because the application itself is very simple. I tested the new version of the add-on in the newest Chrome (Version 23.0.1271.64) and in Canary (Version 25.0.1325.0 canary) and after seeing that it worked fine in both, I decided to update the extension in the Chrome Web Store.

After I finished refactoring my extension code I logged in to my Developer Dashboard and I updated the extension using the ZIP upload tool. When I was done with the update I removed the 0.3 version of Fontier from my Chrome and I went to the Chrome Store to install the new version. For some reason Chrome didn’t let me install the extension :)

Doing LESS Right Using Compilers

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Screenshot of the Less app for Mac

Developers hate repeating themselves over and over again. It is especially true when we’re talking about writing CSS3 behaviours and we are forced to use the elusive vendor prefixes to tell every single browser what we want them to do. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think vendor prefixes are necessarily evil, but they are very unconvenient for frequent use.

The Heartcode Blog Is Back

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Green heartcode monster and Octopress-puss

It’s been almost a year ago since I’ve started the Heartcode Blog. I’ve wanted it to be my personal journal for writing about my journey from being a Flash Developer switching towards Front-End development, whilst trying new and exciting methods and technologies. I have to admit that beside the daily work and personal projects I’ve been working on it’s been quite difficult to write quality stuff and I didn’t want to post things just for the sake of posting.